The HMT Admixture scales have many design features that set this system apart from the market, including:
- Modular system across three (3) frame sizes allowing compartments to be changed or added when required.
- Fully enclosed weather proof scale.
- Mounted on vibration dampening supports to minimize affect of plant vibration.
- No pipes linked directly to weighing mechanism that could influence accuracy.
- Option for multiple weigh frames in a dispensing system allow multiple admixtures to be batched at the same time.
- Admixtures are discharged directly to funnels which lead to the appropriate discharge point.
- Multiple compartments – to avoid contamination of products.
- Up to 4 admixtures can be dispensed per compartment.
- Accurate weighing of small (20ml) or large quantities (225L) of admixture.
- Scalable, additional admixtures can be easily added or taken out.
- Multiple tension load cells and design – increase accuracy, capability to significantly exceed the batching accuracy requirements as specified by AS1379 & ASTM C-94.
- Flexible discharge options – partial or full sequential discharge options allow admixtures to be added in the most appropriate point in the batching cycle
- Corrosive resistant components – Galvanized steel frames, stainless steel hoppers & ball valves, aluminium covers
- Self flushing automated after every load and manually at the end of the day.
- Proximity switches on discharge valves prevent admixtures being batched unless discharge valves are closed.
- Components are interchangeable with other HMT scales.
- Optional Self Calibration – the calibration system comprises of two (2) 10 Kg weights when not checking the scale the weights rest on platforms and do not affect the workings or accuracy of the scale.

weather proof cover removed

weather proof cover in place