The HM AdmiXscale is a Multi Compartment Chemical Admixture Scales manufactured by HM Technologies ensuring high speed and flexible admixture dosing with the highest degree of accuracy, reliability and traceability giving you complete confidence and certainty that admixture dosages are correct.
Saving time and money by reducing the risk of failure and allowing optimal mix costs.
Designed Specifically for the Concrete Industry
The admixture scale is a robust vibration resistant, multi-product weighing system that accurately dispenses both aggressive and non-aggressive chemical compounds in liquid form. The admixture scale has the capability to significantly exceed the batching accuracy requirements as specified in AS1379 or ASTM C-94.
HMAdmiXscale – Multi Compartment Chemical Admixture Scales
- High speed and flexible admixture dosing
- 100% traceability of admixture dosage and compliance with ISO 9000 quality requirements
- Complete confidence – equipment is accurately measuring and dispensing chemical admixtures
- Proven lower maintenance costs than traditional volumetric systems
- Built to last will withstand harsh concrete and corrosive admixture environments
- Modular system allows for multiple permutations and ability to customise based on plant configuration and production requirements
- Accurate weighing of small (20ml) or large quantities (225L) of admixture
Fit for purpose Tell us your plant configuration and production requirements and we will advise the best solution to meet your needs

Concrete producers will see the benefits through:
- Risk Management
Each batch is weighed it is therefore easy to detect and correct overruns or incorrect dosages. Weighing of admixtures ensures a high degree of consistency allowing for optimal mix designs and therefore costs.
- Speed & Control of batching admixtures
Faster batching cycles – Admixtures are pre-weighed then dumped as required and controlled by Batch Computer. Admixtures can be dosed at any stage of batching and in multiple dumps – thereby achieving optimal performance.
- Accuracy
Scales are properly calibrated to exacting national and international standards and tolerances ensuring complete tracability. Verification of calibration is “hands off” and automated and can be done as often as required.
- Flexibility & Convenience
Admixtures can be easily added or taken out without the need for calibration. Self Flushing automation ensures the batching hoppers are continually emptied and cleaned after each batch minimising the risks of contamination.
- Reliability
Significantly better, proven reliability and low maintenance reduces risk of downtime at busy plants.