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Creating a safe and efficient operating environment is the number one priority in Australia’s commercial road transport sector

We know the Pivotal Edge Auto Hatch is  the safest way to load  but don’t just take our word for it see for yourself…..We’ve just spotted an article at trailermag.com.au that explains just how great this product is.
BIT’s Lionel Oxford says “Despite all progress in the OH&S field, drivers and other personnel are still required to climb up to loading platforms, access hatches below the level of their feet, and operate cam handles and hatches by hand…The Pivotal Edge range of automated dry bulk tanker covers work remotely, so drivers can open the tank covers from the safety of the ground or even the cab, saving time and ensuring safety.”

Click here to read the full article

The Pivotal Edge Auto Hatch not only improves the safety of your drivers and operators, but also improves their efficiency – no more manually climbing up to open the hatch.  Just pull the knob and flick the switch,  Pivotal Edge takes care of the rest.
HM Technologies are the agents and distributors of the Pivotal Edge product in Australia, NZ, Asia and South Africa.
Have a look at  Pivotal Edge for yourself, or contact us.

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